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Government Wastes Billions of Taxpayer Dollars in the Post-9/11 Security Feeding Frenzy

September 9, 2011


This is a disgrace. But hey, so long as the word “security” can be applied, who cares about billions of dollars going down the drain with nothing to show for it? That has NOTHING to do with so-called “out of control government spending.” No, the real problem is poor people who milk the system with […]

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Where is the Honest Debate on Afghanistan?

August 9, 2011

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I know that the MSM can’t walk and chew gum at the same time despite having a 24/7 news cycle and I know that most Americans really don’t know or care all that much about foreign policy, but given that on Saturday the deadliest attack against U.S. forces in the history of the Afghan War […]

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The National Security State: If We Keep This Up The Terrorists Win

July 30, 2011


The events of 9/11 have spawned an understandable focus on security, however, the extent of fear-mongering, Islamophobia and ongoing curtailment of civil liberties, along with the meteoric rise of an unwieldy national security state which operates like a secret government within a government, is at odds with the principles and values of representative democracy. The […]

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FoPo Link Dump: Or News the MSM is Ignoring

July 15, 2011


I’ve run across a few stories over the last few days that I’ve noticed have received very little coverage in the U.S. mainstream media. Here they are: ~Violence against Palestinians by Settlers is up 152% while violence against Israelis via terrorist attacks [by Palestinians] is down 96%. That number does NOT include the increasing violence […]

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News Round-Up

July 10, 2011


On this day in history, July 10, 1509, theologian John Calvin, a key figure of the Protestant Reformation, was born France. Some news bits: ~Elizabeth Warren for Senate? ~The GOP has predictably rebuffed the President’s so-called Grand Bargain, which is really a Grand Capitulation to corporate interests on the backs of the middle class, so […]

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Obama Administration Opposes Leak of Classified Information…Unless It’s Them Doing the Leaking

July 7, 2011


The Obama administration has waged a full-scale war against whistle-blowers. As a Presidential candidate, Barack Obama seemed to understand the importance of not only having people willing to speak out and expose government wrongdoing, but of also protecting those people. Here is what he said in 2008: “Government whistleblowers are part of a healthy democracy […]

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U.S. Militarism and Women’s Rights

July 4, 2011

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This is a subject that I’ve been interested in for a long time. I’ve always had a hard time rationalizing certain feminist principles with the United States’ hawkish foreign policy. How can we as a country proclaim our unyielding support for women around the world while at the same time advocating military solutions to almost […]

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Obama Administration Refuses to Allow Pakistani Attorney Into the U.S. to Attend Legal Conference at Columbia U.

July 3, 2011


The Bush administration used to play these games but I’d like to believe the Obama administration is above this sort of thing: I am a Pakistani lawyer who is suing the CIA for killing innocent civilians through drone strikes in my home country. This month, the US state department prevented me from travelling to the […]

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