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News Round-Up

July 10, 2011


On this day in history, July 10, 1509, theologian John Calvin, a key figure of the Protestant Reformation, was born France. Some news bits: ~Elizabeth Warren for Senate? ~The GOP has predictably rebuffed the President’s so-called Grand Bargain, which is really a Grand Capitulation to corporate interests on the backs of the middle class, so […]

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Israeli Government Promotes Fraudulent Flotilla Video: Let the Propaganda Begin!

June 26, 2011


If you watched the events unfold during last year’s Flotilla, then you know that the IDF engaged in an unbelievable propaganda campaign which included using doctored/edited/manufactured audio and video tapes and of course, they jammed all communications and afterwards confiscated all the cameras, phones, etc. of the participants. The most obnoxious propaganda was the claim […]

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