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Israel’s New Bizarre Anti-Flotilla Propaganda Video

July 6, 2011


Honestly, whoever was in charge of creating this video should be fired for about 10 different reasons. Once again, Max Blumenthal is tracking down the source of the video and it seems it was commissioned by the Israeli government.

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Israeli Government Promotes Fraudulent Flotilla Video: Let the Propaganda Begin!

June 26, 2011


If you watched the events unfold during last year’s Flotilla, then you know that the IDF engaged in an unbelievable propaganda campaign which included using doctored/edited/manufactured audio and video tapes and of course, they jammed all communications and afterwards confiscated all the cameras, phones, etc. of the participants. The most obnoxious propaganda was the claim […]

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Israel vs. Israel

June 26, 2011


This is the trailer for a new documentary about Israeli peace activists. What happens at 1:07 is truly shocking:

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OT: Mental Health Break: John Stewart on Fox News Sunday

June 19, 2011


This is good. I wonder if Chris Wallace realizes how clueless and out of touch he sounds? There is just nothing cool about Chris Wallace- not his voice, not his clothes and not that bizarre thing on top of his head. The media is only as liberal as the huge corporate interests that own them. […]

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